Apply Now: GeekCraft Expo PDX 2020
Calling all PDX geeky crafters! Exhibitor applications are now being accepted for GeekCraft Expo PDX 2020, our curated craft market...

Apply now to be a part of GCE TWIN CITIES 2020!
NOW 2X BIGGER, 100X GEEKIER! Exhibitor applications for GeekCraft Expo TWIN CITIES 2020, taking place at the Minneapolis Convention...

Exhibitor Applications for GCE BAY AREA 2019 NOW OPEN!
Crafty nerds of the Bay Area...we want YOU! GeekCraft Expo BAY AREA, launched last year in SF but now located across the bay in...

NEWS! | GeekCraft Expo SEATTLE 2019 Holiday Market
Hey, Seattle! Remember this crazy line to get into the show on Saturday morning last year? Well, guess what? This year, you can pay to...

Newest Hawai'i Import? GeekCraft Expo!
What do you get when you cross a Blaisdell craft fair with a Comic Con at the Hawaii Convention Center? GeekCraft Expo! For the past few...

Why should I pre-register to attend GeekCraft Expo?
"Why should I bother pre-registering to attend GeekCraft Expo if it's free?" Great question! Here's the answer*: Not to freak you out or...

STL 2019 is NOT sold out (yet)
Hi all! We can't figure out how it happened (though we have our suspicions...see below), but for some reason--and we don't know when,...

Apply NOW for GCE Madison 2019!
Heads up, Sconnie GeekCrafters (and any other geeky handcrafters or makers within driving distance)...exhibitor applications for...

Now accepting exhibitor applications for GCE STL 2019!
St Louis-area GeekCrafters: Don't miss out on your opportunity to be a part of this amazingly geeky handmade market! Launched last year,...

GeekCraft Expo SF is now...GeekCraft Expo BAY AREA! And it's in December!
Hi, all--and Happy New Year! As some of you may have noticed (it's been on our website for quite a while), GeekCraft Expo SF, which...