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Who is GeekCraft Expo?

Good question! The answer is here.


What is GeekCraft Expo?

GeekCraft Expo is a curated craft market specializing in handmade, “geek”-themed crafts of all kinds; clothing, accessories, toys, home decoration, furniture, art…if it’s geeky and made by hand, it can be found at a GeekCraft Expo. If you’d like to see some examples of what you can find at GeekCraft Expo, visit our Facebook page


When and where is GeekCraft Expo?

GeekCraft Expo events are held throughout the U.S., occurring at various calendar dates throughout the year. Though you can find a list of GeekCraft Expo locations here, the best way to find out when and where the GeekCraft Expo nearest you will be happening is to sign up for our newsletter


What am I going to see at GeekCraft Expo?

It’s better to show you than to tell you; go to our Facebook page, click on "Events" and pick one; you'll see post after post spotlighting what our GeekCrafters bring to the party.


GeekCraft Expo is “curated”…what does that mean?

Effectively, it means that you’re going to see an incredible variety of handmade, “geek”-themed craft items rather than a roomful of slight variations on a limited number of items. The crafters who exhibit at GeekCraft Expo are some of the most creative, inventive people on the planet; this is their showcase.


How much does it cost to attend GeekCraft Expo?

If you pre-register, nothing. Zero dollars. Give your money to our amazing exhibitors instead. You won’t regret it; they sell some of the coolest stuff you’ll ever see. And by “cool”, we mean “geeky”. Kinda strange how those two terms have grown to become synonymous, isn’t it? But that’s okay because we like strange things.

Why should I pre-register to attend GeekCraft Expo?

Not to freak you out or anything, but when you pre-register via Eventbrite, we can see what led you there; a Facebook ad, an event calendar listing, a Google get the idea. Knowing what leads you to the pre-registration page allows us to see which ads are effective and which ads are not; which means that our ad dollars--which are derived from our prime source of revenue, exhibitor space fees--get a lot "smarter" and cost-effective. This allows us to keep exhibitor costs as low as possible while still ensuring there's enough of an ad budget to make the event--and our exhibitors, who essentially ARE the event--successful. 

Plus, pre-registering not only gets you in for FREE, it's the only way to ensure that you can get in at all! We can only, by law, admit a certain amount of people into any given venue space. That's just the way it is and...well, if we don't know you're coming we're not going to save room for you.

What if I don't pre-register to attend GeekCraft Expo?

Well...firstly, you're going to pay a fee. We try to keep this fee as low as possible but--and this will all make a lot more sense if you read the information in the section above this one--it's definitely going to be more than "zero dollars". Why? Well, because if we can't see that a particular event's ads are working, we buy more ads. Because our exhibitors' success is of absolute importance to us, we will spend and HAVE spent in excess of 100% of an event's revenue--not profit, REVENUE--on ads in order to make sure there will be enough attendees to reasonably ensure our exhibitors' success. Your on-site admission fee helps us make up for those losses.

Secondly, you may not even have the OPTION of paying to get in--we may be at capacity, meaning we can't even legally ALLOW you admission to the event.

Thirdly--and this is only in extreme circumstances--we might make the decision, in the best interest of our exhibitors, to cancel an event entirely if we have no tangible proof that a sufficient amount of attendees are going to show up and support them. Which would be a heartbreaker but c''d be the height of scumbaggery for us to allow our exhibitors to spend the time, money and effort to stock up for and travel to an event that we pretty much know is going to be a dismal failure for them, right? And we're not scumbags.

So just pre-register, okay? It's FREE and it takes less than a minute :)

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