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Crystal's Idyll Scales GeekCraft Expo Seattle for the Second Year

Crystal Taggart GeekCraft Expo

GeekCraft Expo Seattle's Holiday Market is November 25 and 26, and we have three times the exhibitors—and three times the fun! RSVP now to #ShopSmall and get geeky gifts for everyone on your list.

We caught up with Crystal Taggart from Crystal's Idyll, one of our returning exhibitors, to ask what's new. Read on for a preview of this year's offerings!

GeekCraft Expo: What’s new with Crystal’s Idyll since the last time we talked?

Crystal Taggart: I am always developing new products. Most recently I have added a scale armor wig/helmet and collars that incorporate antique fringe with the scales. GCE: How did you get started in millinery?

CT: When I was a teenager I cleaned house for an elderly lady who came of age when everyone wore hats. She let me play with her extensive collection and I fell in love with millinery. I started with sewing them and then learned how to block hats.

Crystal's Idyll GeekCraft Expo

GCE: Your hats are so unique—what are your inspirations?

CT: My education is in biology, so a lot of my inspiration comes from nature. You'll see hedgehogs, rats, spiders, leaves, branches, and many other natural forms. GCE: Your Dragonhide pieces—scalemaille—are so incredible because the scales are knitted together with yarn, rather than linked with metal rings. What are your best-selling items?

CT: Dice bags. I sell about a dozen a week during the summer and more during the holidays. GCE: What are your favorite geeky properties?

CT: I grew up with the original Star Wars and they still hold a big piece of my geeky heart. I'm also a huge fan of Firefly—after all it's an entire ship basically full of Han Solos. Chuck, Star Trek in most of its iterations, and Marvel superheroes (especially Wolverine) round out my favorites.

Crystal's Idyll GeekCraft Expo

GCE: What was a memorable moment at GeekCraft Expo Seattle last year?

CT: I'd have to say when I pulled up to the curb and people were there to help me unload! I'd never had that before. And that level of excellent service and organization was shown the entire time. GCE: What kinds of things will you be bringing to our Holiday Market this year?

CT: I'll have lots of scaly goodies, a fantastical range of hats, including some special for the season, and capes and other amazing outerwear to keep you cozy this winter.

Thank you to Crystal for taking the time to chat with us! Make sure to RSVP for GeekCraft Expo Seattle's Holiday Market and come see us at Hangar 30 in Magnuson Park.

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