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DobbyLyn ArtWorks Brings Fanciful Sculpture to GeekCraft Expo Midwest

DobbyLyn ArtWorks GeekCraft Expo

We've got a wide assortment of fantastic exhibitors slated for GeekCraft Expo Midwest's upcoming Fall Mall, including the fanciful sculpture of DobbyLyn ArtWorks. We interviewed sculptor Lyn Marie Neuenfeldt about her techniques, her love of Harry Potter, and what she plans to bring to the Madison Masonic Center October 14 and 15!

GeekCraft Expo: How did you get started with sculpture? Lyn Marie Neuenfeldt: Sculpture has always seemed very natural to me. Growing up, my mother and grandparents were both artists, and my grandmother in particular worked with clay and ceramics. My fascination with monsters and creatures from film and books fed into the desire to create my own, and I began to seek out alternative materials to make them. GCE: Your pieces are so intricate, dimensional, and detailed—can you talk about your techniques? LMN: I love color blending, and polymer clays lend themselves to blending almost as much as oil paints do. I can spend hours just messing about to find the right combinations that will create the perfect blend.

I also use an epoxy clay that was invented by an artist in Wisconsin. This is what I use for my glass work. You have to work in layers and plan ahead, as you have a limited amount of time before the clay sets up.

My felted work was inspired by my love of the sea and octopods. Fiber is a new medium for me, and it allows for lots of new opportunities to grow as an artist.

DobbyLyn ArtWorks GeekCraft Expo

GCE: What are some of your creative inspirations? LMN: All things monstrous and magical. I am absolutely a Harry Potter devotee. Along with that, the natural world provides a lot of inspiration. My biggest influences have been the classical sculpture of Rodin and the whimsical joy of Jim Henson. Growing up in the era of Star Wars and then going on to work as a Special EFX Artist and sculptor has fed into my work as well. GCE: What do you enjoy making the most? LMN: At this moment I am obsessed with my polymer clay work. GCE: Which items are the most popular at shows? LMN: Probably my little Brain-zi plants. They were a happy accident that grew out of a Zombie Gnome show I did, and people love them. After that, my Tentacle necklaces. GCE: What are your favorite geeky characters? LMN: The Harry Potter universe for sure, and anything involving dragons or goblins. GCE: What kinds of things will you be bringing to GeekCraft Expo Midwest this year? LMN: Handmade jewelry featuring Harry Potter houses, Doctor Who, and magical creatures, as well as hand-felted octopod shoulder riders, examples of commissioned sculpted hats, and glass items featuring my sculpture.

Our heartfelt thanks to Lyn for answering all of our questions! Don't forget to RSVP for the GeekCraft Expo Midwest Fall Mall now. Do you enjoy creating crafts as well as shopping for them? Fill out an application and snag one of our few remaining spots!

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