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Find Nerdy Clothes With a Passion for Detail at GeekCraft Expo Midwest

Geek V Collective GeekCraft Expo Midwest

So you want to go to GeekCraft Expo Midwest's Fall Mall October 14 and 15, but you don't have anything to wear? You're in luck! One of our returning exhibitors, Geek V Collective, can you supply you with nerdy skirts, scarves, accessories, and more!

We chatted with Emily Marxer about their triumphant return to GeekCraft Expo and got an inside view of what they'll be bringing to the Madison Masonic Center this fall!

GeekCraft Expo: Tell us about Geek V Collective!

Emily Marxer: Geek V Collective is the collaboration of emí design and Soul Fiber Studio, offering geek apparel and accessories for everyone.

GCE: It seems like you make both elaborate, dramatic cosplay pieces, as well as more subtle pieces for the everyday geek. What do you like about each?

EM: We came from a costume design background, and both completed our bachelors in fashion design. We love creating items that are for the everyday geek, but we also enjoy taking part at comic cons and showing off the breadth of our skills. When we started attending comic cons years ago, we felt something was missing from the selection of apparel and accessories—the more wearable, everyday items. That's when we started integrating items like the nerdskirts, scarves, jewelry, bags, and more into our Etsy shops.

GCE: With geek movies and TV becoming ever-more popular, have you seen a wider acceptance of geeky clothes for everyday wear?

EM: Absolutely. It's hard to place exactly when it happened, but I think a combination of shows like Big Bang Theory and blockbuster movies (pick any Marvel, X-Men, DC) helped bring geekery into everyday conversation. Etsy was a place that had a lot of ebb and flow to it instead of steady business, but once nerdskirts were added, business has been very steady since.

Geek V Collective Nerdskirts GeekCraft Expo Midwest

GCE: Cosplay has become such a force at conventions and in pop culture. What do you think is driving that?

EM: We have a lot of opinions on that. Anyone who has studied the history of costume (the way we wear what we wear) knows that fashion is driven largely by socioeconomics. Wartime, economic depression, politics—they all play a part in our choices each day. Like blue jeans, cosplay and nerdwear are a bottom-up fashion. These [superhero] movies and shows are a success because we, as a population, want a hero or want to be a hero. Cosplay is a great way to feed that desire.

GCE: What are your favorite cosplay characters?

EM: We love the characters that are done with passion and with detail—whether that's a creative ensemble of the cast of Spaceballs, a mashup of a Disney princess and Jedi, or a large costume build that includes electronics and armor. It stands out when the cosplayer truly loves what they're doing and worked really hard on their costume.

Something we always look for when we cosplay is a form of uniqueness—we did an art-deco fashion version of Thor and Loki. We also did a multiples "The 3 Effie Trinkets" from Hunger Games with some of the more difficult haute couture pieces from the series. We are looking forward to our next cosplay as the women of Wonder Woman as well as a fun take on Mario and Luigi.

GCE: What surprised you about last spring’s GeekCraft Expo Midwest?

EM: We did not know it would be so popular—people came in from all over the surrounding area, through the rain, to enjoy the Expo with us. Our fellow exhibitors were incredibly kind—not that it surprised us, but we all shopped each other's booths since we clearly all share this passion for geekery.

GCE: What kinds of things will you be bringing to GeekCraft Expo Midwest’s Fall Mall this year?

EM: This show, we will be bringing in new nerdskirts featuring The Nightmare Before Christmas, Deadpool, math and science prints, and Wonder Woman. We also have scarves and accessories such as nerdbags and jewelry. A new addition will also be our new nerdy baby burp cloths! They're super cute and ready for the next generation.

Thank you to Emily for taking time away from Fall Mall prep to answer our questions! See Geek V Collective and many more fantastic, unique exhibitors October 14 and 15—RSVP today. Think you've got the skills to exhibit? We're taking applications for our last few spaces, so fill one out now!

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